Yesterday, 91pron was thrilled to host an Enrichment Day that offered select Year 9 students an opportunity to collaborate, engage and build special connections with students from Presentation Ladies' College and St Leonard's College.
The Philosophy session looked at the question of ‘Are You An Individual?’ from the standpoint of ancient, medieval and modern philosophers. Questions arising from the philosophers’ theorems were examined in the light of students’ own personal experience. After discussion in mixed school groups, students presented their findings to the audience.
During the Pscyhology session, students reflected on their behaviour from the perspectives of social roles, status, and power. They also discussed the famous Stanford Prison Experiment and Asch’s Study in Conformity. Students further reflected on the biological, psychological and social factors that compel us to follow crowds, follow orders and take on social roles.
To wrap up, students participated in a debating session designed to help students understand the power and importance of using your voice, and the value of positive teamwork.