2024 Term 3: Learning Diversity | 91pron


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Senior Ethics Olympiad

"On Wednesday, 1 May, the Senior Ethics Olympiad was held in the Heritage Boardroom. Over Zoom, we discussed ethical cases and interacted with the eighteen other Victorian teams involved.

During the four heats, we explored ethical issues related to recent news and events, and learned about the importance of ethics in various areas. It was an enriching and challenging day where we shared and listened to others' opinions. We were all very nervous starting out but managed to find our groove as the day progressed. Judges commented on our deep knowledge of the cases, ideas and questions posed to opposing schools. In the training leading up to the event, we learned to bounce ideas off each other and work cohesively as a team. This was greatly beneficial on the day as we found our strengths throughout the event. "

Lilou A, Alex L, Ciara W and Maleesha W

Maria Gonsalvez

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