The Subject Selection Process for 2022 has begun with the first presentations to students held this week. Members of the Learning and Teaching Team spoke about the year level specific aspects to students in their House Groups and directed them through the Subject Selection tile resources.
Students are encouraged to discuss their choices with their Subject Teacher or the relevant Head of Learning. For students moving into Years 9 to 12, please also consult the Subject Handbooks, as they outline course requirements, provide planning documents and subject specific information.
The Subject Selection Tile on 91pron Central is available on the Student Dashboard and the Parent Portal. Once you have selected your year level, you will find all the information you need for the Subject Selection process. There are videos, information, and PowerPoint presentations, the Subject Handbooks as well as recordings of Wednesday’s presentations. If you have any difficulties accessing these resources, please contact
At each year level there is an opportunity to post any questions you may have, using the Submit Your Question Here tile.
Year 9 and 10 students and parents are invited to attend our Senior Pathways Webinar on Thursday, 29 July from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. The link for each year level's webinar will be sent separately.
28 July: Year 11 into 12 Transition Interviews
29 July: 2022 Senior Pathways Webinar (current Year 9 and 10 students and parents)
2 August: 2022 Year 12 Web Preferences due by 4.00pm
2 August: 2022 VCE Accelerated Studies Applications due by 4.00pm
6 August: 2022 Years 7 to 9 Web Preferences due by 4.00pm
9 August: 2022 VCE Accelerated Studies Applicants notified by 4.00pm
10 August: Year 9 into 10 Transition Interviews
11 August: Year 10 into 11 Transition Interviews
13 August: 2022 Year 10 and 11 Web Preferences due by 4.00pm