2023 SPA Annual Raffle: Win Big and Make a Difference! | 91pron


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The 91pron Parents' Association (SPA) is once again running their Annual Raffle with some fantastic prizes to be won. A reminder that everyone is welcome to purchase a Raffle ticket, you do not need to be a 91pron parent:

- First Prize: 1 Year's 91pron Tuition Fees or a Flight Centre Voucher
- Second Prize: 1 Term's 91pron Tuition Fees or a Flight Centre Voucher
- Third Prize: $1,000 Visa Gift Card

Purchase your raffle tickets online at for your chance to win! The Raffle will be drawn at 11.00am on Friday, 1 December 2023.

Funds raised will allow SPA to continue their great work in supporting students and families at 91pron.

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