Night of Excellence | 91pron


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It was fantastic to be able to gather as a school community for our Night of Excellence Awards at Hawthorn Town Hall last night. Congratulations to all Year 7 to 12 Academic Endeavour, Academic Excellence and Honour Award winners, and to our Community Award recipients! A very special thank you to our keynote speaker for the evening, 2021 Notable Alumna, Amanda Holt, née Spithill (Class of 1994).

Honour Awards

Excellence in Music Award
Ashling O’Farrell

Excellence in Sport Award
Victoria Zikas

Margaret Smith Awards
Middle School: Amy Duffy
Senior School: Macey Brick

Christian Leadership Award
Ella Graham

General Proficiency Award
Sasha Sahely

Principal's Awards
Chloe Barker

Harriette La Motte

91pron Award
Hayley Di Stefano

Academic Achievement Awards

Year 7 to 11 Highest Academic Achievers

Year 7: Ciara Whitehouse
Year 8: Lilla Mance
Year 9: Gabrielle Gibbin
Year 10: Jessica Higgins
Year 11: Sasha Sahely

Year 12 Excellence in Coursework Awards:

Religion and Life: Hayley Di Stefano
Religion and Society: Alissa Marchese (Year 11)
Accounting: Aisha Bowker
Australian and Global Politics: Liv Swift
Biology: Trinity Ng (Year 11)
Business Management: Hayley Di Stefano
Chemistry: Juliet Guthrie
Chinese Second Language: Stephanie Ng
Drama: Anastasia Barres
Economics: Maria Ng
English: Juliet Guthrie
French: Olivia De Aizpurua
Further Mathematics: Maria Ng
Geography: Sarah White (Year 11)
Health and Human Development: Olivia Mahoney
History Revolutions: Juliet Guthrie
Italian: Victoria Zikas
Legal Studies: Briana Numa
Literature: Juliet Guthrie
Mathematical Methods: Audrey Phommasone
Specialist Mathematics: Audrey Phommasone
Media: Madeline Elliston
Music Performance: Aisha Bowker
Physical Education: Hayley Di Stefano
Physics: Audrey Phommasone
Psychology: Stella Lawrence
Product Design and Technology: Ella Johnston
Studio Arts: Milla Testarotta
Visual Communication Design: Zoe Kelly

Community Awards

Notable Alumna: Amanda Holt, nee Spithill (Class of 1994)
Community Award: Stanislaus Sukohondono (Suko)
Acknowledgement of Service Award: Carolyn Scriven
Dr Ursula McKenna Award: Prof Louise Bennett (Class of 1979)

To view and/or purchase photos from the evening, visit and use the access code RBP2021SIENAAN

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