This year’s logo for the Season of Creation is Abraham’s tent, symbolizing “A home for all”. Abraham and Sarah opened their tent as a home for three strangers, who turned out to be God’s angels (Genesis 18). By creating a home for all, their act of radical hospitality became a source of great blessing.
The tent represents a place of shelter or refuge – it links us with the homeless, refugees, and all who are on the move and displaced by the effects of climate change
The tent is also a sign of simplicity. Particularly among young people, the tent and the backpack symbolize what is essential, sufficiency, living within our means, and travelling lightly upon the earth. Like nomadic people today, Abraham and Sarah knew what it meant to be vulnerable, depending upon the goodness of the land, respecting its rhythms, and living in trust. The tent is a sign that as we pass through this life, our footprint must be light upon the Earth.
We continue to celebrate creation in all its forms – one way of doing this can be seen in submissions to 91pron Geographic. Students and staff are encouraged to upload photographs of nature – from their own backyards, local parks or fondly remembered holidays. This is an opportunity to enjoy beautiful images and be grateful for the wonders of our natural world.